
In order to educate the next generation of scientists, BRIC is actively involved in various educational activities at all levels from high school students to postdocs.

Activities include organisation and hosting of the MoMED phd programme, organisation of phD courses, planning of curriculum and teaching in pathology at various bachelor and master programmes, as well as different outreach activities such as the Danish Science Festival, Culture Night, SRP for high school students and more.

Below you can find further details regarding our pre-graduate teaching and master thesis projects.

BRIC does not offer course programmes for master students. In order to enroll in a master programme at University of Copenhagen, visit Kandidat på KU (Danish) or International Students (English).

Education at SUND


BRIC researchers carry out disease-oriented teaching at bachelor and master level at a number of study programmes at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.

Education at BRICWe organise pathology courses for medical, dental, molecular biomedicine and human biology students at the university, in addition to taking part in a range of other under- and postgradute teaching activities.

Course descriptions can be found in the University Course Catalogue.



Each year, around 25 master students finish their thesis work in one of our laboratories. Our master students engage in projects lasting from 6 months to 2 years depending on their educational background. The project is a unique opportunity for students to display their talent within our fields of research. 

At BRIC you will find:

  • A stimulating international research environment
  • Access to state-of the-art technologies in modern facilities
  • Individual mentoring and supervision
  • Great talented colleagues

We are always seeking highly motivated and engaged students. To start a master thesis project at BRIC you should have finished your undergraduate studies, or you should be able to finish within a short time. Your background should be within Biomedicine, Biochemistry, Life sciences, Biology or related areas. You will be part of one of our research groups, that works within your area of interest. Both Danish and international students are accepted.

How to get accepted

If you are interested in joining one of our labs, contact the relevant group to learn if they are accepting new master students in their laboratory. 


We do not offer scholarships for master students, you therefore need to finance your stay in Copenhagen yourself. However, we do support applications from students to obtain pre-graduate scholarships.