
BRIC organization








managemen team

The management team is responsible for daily management, execution of the BRIC strategy and communication with stakeholders.

Executive Director, 
Professor Anders H. Lund, PhD, Group Leader in Lund Group

Head of Administration, 
Christian Hestbæk, Head of Administration 

Head of Strategic Research Support, 
Katrine Sonne-Hansen, MSc, PhD, Strategic Research Support Team
















Admin teamOur aim is to provide the administrative framework and infrastructure for the world class research and training carried out by BRIC’s scientists by offering timely and effective services and support. We are strongly committed to secure a coherent and relevant support through direct dialogue with the researchers.

BRIC has a local administrative unit which offers support within the areas of front office services, purchasing, laboratory support and safety and overall financial management. The local administration is also a connection point to central finance/project economy, HR and IT departments at UCPH. Local representatives from each of these areas are present at BRIC several days a week to offer personal service to BRIC employees.

View our people from the administration




















SRS teamThe team count eight members with different professional backgrounds within research, teaching and communication. The team solves tasks directly supporting BRIC’s overall vision, strategy and organizational development. Specifically, the team is responsible for pre-award grant support, researcher training and the center’s communication and outreach activities. Additionally, the team carries out leadership support and project management of major research and research supportive programs at BRIC.

Strategic Research Support team members